Friday, 24 June 2011

Barbies on the Barbeque..

Hey hot stuff!
Had such a hectic week, had my GCSE textiles exam on wednesday which i've been stressed about for quite a while, so I can't even begin to explain the weight that was lifted when I left the exam room. Hoping I got a good grade, I find out my results in August so fingers crossed!

I found these pictures whilst browsing the internet earlier, and couldn't help wanting to post them as their so cute! After seeing these pictures, I desperately felt like a hot chocolate, even though it kinda it summer now. (Well it is June, although its feels like bloody winter over here in London!) Its supposed to be reaaaally hot on sunday though, so i'm literally praying.

yum yum yum!

Also, would like to say a big thanks to Louise at, shes buddingbeauties first follower and has also been kind enough to link us on her blog, shes a lovely girl so I thought i'd just say this little paragraph to show my appreciation!

Me and Holly recently found another website called, the girl runs a blog and a shop online and the stuff she sells are beyond cute! We havn't gotten round to buying anything yet but I suggest you check it out, I just think its too adorable. The website sells a bunch of necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings, and a few pieces of clothing at reasonable prices. Heres a couple of my favourite few bits i'd love to get round to buying..

This is beyond cute.

Me and hol want to buy these!

Thats all i've got to say right now folks, but just one more thing.. i'm going on a heat ban! yep, i've got far too many split ends and my hairs starting to thin, and the fact that I have GHD's (which are veeeerrryy hot!) do NOT help. So yeah, i've decided to stop using heat on my hair for a while. I've been a good girl and done so for the last two days, all i've been using is John Friedas Frizz Ease gloss mist, it gives my hair a nice kinda glossy finish.. I can't be bothered to do a proper description and post a pic right now, but will do so another time!

title lyrics - katy perry last friday night (TGIF).

Till then.. take care!
           The blonde one.


  1. awww you're so sweet!! and very welcome :) Your blog is amazing.. I can't wait to see more from you girls xx

    PS. I'm craving a hot chocolate so bad now!

  2. such cute pics, your blog is really nice. and (I think) you're in the same year as me?

    really wanting hot chocolate now too!

  3. Hiya sweetie, my exam went okay I hope! It wasn't too bad, although there were a couple of small things that we hadn't been taught properly... other than that it was okay! How did you find yours?:). My tip to you both other the next few years is to not stress out too much, you always get better results when your calm :).
    I love louise's blog too, she is so lovely!
    That jewellery is gorgeous, I will defintely be taking a look at that site! Have a good weekend girlies!:)

  4. I will keep finger crossing for your exam :D
    You can be sure !

  5. Definitely fingers crossed until august :)
    The first picture is my favourite, very sweet and delicious!

    I'm your new follower,
    See you!

  6. Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated!


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