Hello lovelies!
I'll start this blogpost with a Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you all enjoyed the festive season! We didn't have much snow here in London, only a bit of sleet near the middle of December but hopefully we'll have some in the new year.
I was having a bored day today, as you do, and after ages of searching the most random things into Google (funny cats being one of them) I came across quite a cool website where you could see your name in Japanese. I discovered I'm Hasegawa Chiaki and that Cara is Shimizu Michiyo. I have to say though that Cara's one sounds much nicer than mine. :') You can try it yourself here.
I also went shopping on boxing day and managed to buy myself a bottle of shampoo. Yes, a bottle of SHAMPOO. This doesn't come as a shocker to me seeing as I seem to buy a new bottle every time I go shopping. Its just because I never seem to find my perfect shampoo. :( Although so far alberto balsam has proved to be the best for my hair type.
I hope you got everything you wanted for Christmas lovelies! I managed to sly myself into getting a video camera from zee parents.
This one is pretty cool and compact, and it takes pictures too! I'm planning on bringing it to the One Direction concert which is in less than two weeks!
Hope you all enjoy the rest of your Winter break!
Best wishes,